I'm glad you like the bat! I would love to ship to Germany (and other EU countries), but the laws regarding import and shipping are not possible for me to comply with.
Germany specifically has a packaging act referred to as VerpackG. This law would require me to register for the LUCID packaging registration and in order to do that, I'd need a packaging license. The license would require me to calculate my annual packaging quantities in kilograms and I'd have to pay per kilogram. There are no exceptions for small businesses.
And, the larger issue, is the Article 4 of Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 passed by the EU which requires all people who place 'toys' on the market to hire an economic operator in the EU, have technical documents drawn up of the toy that are kept for 10 years, have my products safety tasted, carry out conformity assessments, write up an EC declaration of conformity, attach a CE marking to all my products, display my contact information on the toy, and attach warnings and instructions to the toy where needed. Again, there is no exception for small businesses or, like in the case of my products, where I might only ever make 1 of some of them. Some people send their plushies to the EU marked as art pieces or adult collectible items, but plushies are specifically included in the law as a product for children, and the laws state any item that could even be potentially confused as a toy for children counts as a toy under the law regardless of how you classify it. They simply rely on the fact they send so few products, they are unlikely to be caught. If a business is caught not complying with the law they can have their products take and destroyed, be fined, being blocked at customs from sending anything, and more. So while some people are willing to take that risk, I personally am not since this is my full time business.
So I tend to recommend people who want to see my products available in their countries to speak up about laws being passed for their area and push for exceptions for small businesses who can't take on the same financial and time burden as large ones. (For example, there are exceptions under tax laws for small businesses who make under a certain $ amount). You can also find local people in your area who use my patterns and ask them to try and re-create the same products and sell them to you locally, avoiding all the issues of importing.
I wish I had a better answer than this! I had a lot of international customers in the past, but as things are now, it's just not do-able for me!