Purple Galaxy bat Kickstarter Coming June 1st

Purple Galaxy bat Kickstarter Coming June 1st

Purple Galaxy bat Kickstarter Coming June 1st
After hinting about it for awhile, I've finally settled on June 1st as the date for the purple galaxy bat Kickstarter. You can follow along for more regular updates on my Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/449841322056165

I'm obviously very excited for this Kickstarter as purple is my favorite color of all time! More than my own personal preferences, though, purple is the 3rd most requested color (right behind black and white). These purple bats are made with the same pattern as my other bats including the ability to sit on their own and their oversized ears which everyone loves. And, obviously, the same custom printed galaxy fabric. The initial goal will be for $7,000 to cover manufacturing, Kickstarter fees, extra goodies, and shipping costs.

Unlike my last Kickstarter, I'm setting this one up to be as simple as possible with a limited number of tiers and not a lot of extra fluff. I want all the focus to be on the bats and I want to allow room for the project to expand and still be manageable by just one person. This way if I have 100 or 1,000 backers I will still be able to keep up with it.

I've also been sold out of the white bats for several months now and I only have 13% of the original order of black bats remaining. If we hit my stretch goals I'll be able to re-orders those. And extra money will go towards ordering even more so I can keep them in stock longer.

So if you're interested in the purple galaxy bats, be sure to keep your eye on the Facebook event for more updates and check back on June 1st for a link to the Kickstarter project!

Edit: The Kickstarter project has ended! Here is a link to the project if you'd like to see it: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/beezeeart/galaxy-bat-plush-purple-edition