Shoulder Dragon Pattern Update

The updated shoulder dragon pattern is now (finally) live!
You can purchase it here:
This version of the pattern includes instructions and pattern pieces to make all 3 styles of the shoulder dragon pattern: Plain, winged, and maned.

If you purchased the shoulder dragon pattern in the past, here’s how to get the update.
My website: You will be automatically sent an email notifying you about the updated file. Be sure to check your spam folders and any other folder it may have been filtered into. If you did not receive the email or no longer have access to the email address you used to make the order, you will need to send me an email at and include some means of verifying your order (Old email used, order #, or a photo of your receipt).
Etsy: Etsy does not automatically give you access to the updated file. Please send me a message on Etsy from the account you made your purchase with. I will respond with the new copy of the file attached. If you no longer have access to your old account, you can send me a message with some means of varying your order (old account name, old account email, order #, or photo of your receipt).
Craftsy: Unfortunately if you purchase on Craftsy in the past before I stopped using it, I no longer have any easy way to verify your order. However, if you still have a copy of your receipt (you may be able to find it in Paypal’s history), I can send you an updated version of the pattern. I’m very sorry if anyone purchased and is unable to find their receipt! It wasn’t the best platform for sellers and that’s part of the reason why I left.

(Please note, if you purchased the Simplicity version of the pattern I cannot send you a free digital download, sorry! While we both use my exact pattern pieces, the differences between the two patterns will be that I label all my pattern pieces, write my own illustrations, and take my own photographs of the steps. Simplicity does the same, creating illustrations instead of taking photos. So there’s no need to re-purchase this version of the pattern either unless you’d like a digital copy in addition to your physical copy or you prefer my style of instructions.)